fhgaacenc version 20120624 by tmkk. Modified by Case 20151024. Usage: fhgaacenc.exe [options] infile [outfile] Note: pass - as infile to encode from stdin. pass - as outfile to encode to stdout (ADTS only). General encoding options --cbr : encode in CBR mode, bitrate=8..576 --vbr : encode in VBR mode, preset=1..6 [default, preset 4] 1: HE-AAC v2 (~32 kbps) 2: HE-AAC (~64 kbps) 3: AAC LC (~96 kbps) 4: AAC LC (~128 kbps) 5: AAC LC (~192 kbps) 6: AAC LC (~256 kbps) --profile : choose AAC profile (only for CBR mode) auto : automatically choose the optimum profile according to the bitrate [default] lc : force use LC-AAC profile he : force use HE-AAC (AAC+SBR) profile hev2 : force use HE-AAC v2 (AAC+SBR+PS) profile --adts : use ADTS container instead of MPEG-4 Other options --ignorelength : ignore the size of data chunk when encoding from pipe --quiet : don't print the progress