--- Monkey's Audio Console Front End (v 6.32) (c) Matthew T. Ashland --- Proper Usage: [EXE] [Input File] [Output File] [Mode] Modes: Compress (fast): '-c1000' Compress (normal): '-c2000' Compress (high): '-c3000' Compress (extra high): '-c4000' Compress (insane): '-c5000' Decompress: '-d' Verify: '-v' Convert: '-nXXXX' Tag: '-t' Examples: Compress: mac.exe "Metallica - One.wav" "Metallica - One.ape" -c2000 Compress: mac.exe "Metallica - One.wav" "Metallica - One.ape" -c2000 -t "Artist=Metallica|Album=Black|Name=One" Decompress: mac.exe "Metallica - One.ape" "Metallica - One.wav" -d Decompress: mac.exe "Metallica - One.ape" auto -d Verify: mac.exe "Metallica - One.ape" -v Tag: mac.exe "Metallica - One.ape" -t "Artist=Metallica|Album=Black|Name=One|Comment=\"This is in quotes\"" (note: int filenames must be put inside of quotations)