0.2.9c\WMAEncode64.exe" --help Usage: WMAEncode64 [output] [options] : .WAV PCM file; "-" means stdin output: output file (stdout not allowed) Options: --quality , -q : set VBR quality; n = (10,25,50,75,90,98) --bitrate , -b : set bitrate to kbps (default = 128) --codec, -c: select codec standard, std - WMA standard (default) professional, pro - WMA professional lossless, lsl - WMA lossless voice - WMA voice --mode, -m: select encoding mode cbr - CBR (default) cbr2pass - CBR two-pass vbr - VBR (quality-based) vbr2pass - VBR two-pass (bitrate-based) --out-samplerate n: choose output format with n samples per second --out-channels n: choose output format with n channels --out-bitdepth n: choose output format with n bits per sample --ignorelength, -i: ignore length in WAV header --bufferstdin: buffer data from stdin for 2pass encoding in RAM (the encoder buffers all input data in RAM. Not recommended!) Options for raw PCM input: --raw: input is raw PCM data (headerless) --raw-samplerate: sample rate (default = 44100) --raw-channels: number of channels (default = 2) --raw-bitdepth: bit depth (default = 16) Other options: --priority, --nice: set low priority --silent, -s: suppress progress messages --print-formats: print all available codecs and formats --help, -h: show this text Tagging options: --title , --tracknumber , --artist , --album , --year , --genre , --composer , --albumartist , --discnumber , --comment or --tag =